Anything that remains to be done

Well, it’s that time of year again…for yearly evaluations! (insert girly shriek for the guys and manly shriek for the gals)

Anyway, is there anything on the site than you all feel should be changed, added, removed, etc.? I am interested in adding a new scripting section to the site, but it will not go up until there are enough material to cover it up.

I am in the process of getting the flash footer contest up. I am hoping to get around 4-7 prizes for the top placers, and finding people for that takes time. I have also spoken with raydred, and more Flashinions should be coming along soon.

The top banner for random colors is also progressing nicely. I kinda messed up this morning with the banner when I tried to add a value to the colors to make them look different. Hopefully, I’ll use _alpha instead of various RGB values to change the color for each section.

Well, I’m really interested in your thoughts on what I can do next, etc. If at all possible, be scathing and unkind towards me - it motivates me to do better lol :ub:

Kirupa :hangover:

Come on everyone - I can’t stand this feeling of having no work to do :frowning: There HAS to be something you find that needs to be changed/updated.

kirupa: the battles section…could we have a page on the site for that, nothing big, but a little iframe on the site may be a hastle for you!

there is, my ENTIRE website…
and since you have the time…

:chinaman: (the chinaguy says; 'Why so spensive, why so spensive?)

pj :stuck_out_tongue:

phil: you on crack or sumthin…

Your site is perfect :wink:

If you really really want more work to do, you could update the templates on your Flash 4 files and stuff…lol.

It is funny going through the search and finding tutorials in half showing templates that don’t match the site at all anymore.

But that isn’t important, it is just something you can do if you were really that bored.

Hehe, I might do that for Flash 4. Flash 4 is pretty much over - I doubt anybody uses it anymore. Phil, I’ll try to see how to get the link nav thing placed on the bottom as well.

Ok dan. I updated the home page with the battle results - I should have done that earlier as the battles were finished. Is that what you meant, or where would you want a page for that?

Kirupa :cool:

I would give it an IFRAME just like your full tutorial list and just show all of them, eventually we can seperate them into pages if it gets too long, that sound ok?

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**If you really really want more work to do, you could update the templates on your Flash 4 files and stuff…lol.

It is funny going through the search and finding tutorials in half showing templates that don’t match the site at all anymore.

But that isn’t important, it is just something you can do if you were really that bored. **
I agree with the first part. It is strange to find old tutes sometimes.
And I don’t agree with the second part. It IS important, as there can be some very interesting pieces of information there. I think you should definitely either re-write them, or at least update the pages.

And talking about updates, could you change the sliding window tute with the files I sent you? :beam:

rofl, have i still not done that yet pom? Would it be possible for you to re-send those files? Sorry, this will be the last time…until next time =)

Kirupa C:-)

I can’t, it’s on my laptop, and I’m having it fixed :-\

After using private messages, I noticed that the icons and text graphics are really outdated. I’ll have them changed asap =)

Kirupa :ub:

btw, after a few of you requested, I fixed the horrible icons/buttons for the Private Message section =)

YAY! They are nice big k.

Hey Kir, I’ve just noticed you didn’t update the battle results on the main page :slight_smile:

And also there are quite a few nice AS tricks in the BOK forum waiting to be officialized :slight_smile:

gotcha pom - will take care of that today (-: I’m in the process of writing game tutorials, and I hope to have the first part finished by this weekend!!

Kirupa :ub:

I’ll check that later :slight_smile: Sounds interesting. Actually, I wanted to write something about classes and POO that could be fun to read, and I was thinking about a game(basically what I did for a battle, but I didn’t have time to finish) so maybe we can mix both, I don’t know. Just an idea.

pom :cowboy:


isn’t that OOP?

Or am I missing something…? :stuck_out_tongue:

Programmation orientée objet <=> Object oriented programming

:trout: I’m thinking in French today :stuck_out_tongue:

ah, ok then =)

I just thought… “poo”… eww… in tutorials?


Sure pom, we can mix ideas =) Right now, my tutorial will only be on firing stuff - maybe later I might get into enemies, collision, etc.

Kirupa :whistle:

Hey that is really cool Kirupa. Hopefully he isn’t throwing poo …LOL. But yeah, I think you should go into enemies and collision because YOU KNOW if you add this tutorial there will be a million questions on that.