Does everything work?

smilies are a fairly new technology. You can’t expect everything to be working as expected just yet.

Is there a short-term change I can make to speed the forum up? For example, should I just unpin the one topic that I currently have pinned?

The short fix is to remove pinned topics from the query altogether, as Sam indirectly suggests here. I’m guessing he didn’t suggest that as an “actual” fix because it disables the pinned topics feature altogether. Anyway, we could temporarily modify our Discourse install so that it runs that faster query instead.

this has been an issue for me on the galaxy s 5.

Haha, I think that’s an issue that the Discourse people don’t want to fix. They figure that landscape mode + keyboard doesn’t give them enough space to show your input anyway. I don’t know where the thread is on the Discourse meta forums, but it’s definitely there somewhere.

I see what you’re saying, though. It’s silly that you can see your typing if you rely on the autocorrect bar and underscores, yet you can’t just see the normal text box. The people working on Discourse seem to be satisfied with the reaction that it’s not their fault that phone OSes give such a tiny amount of screen real estate to input forms.

What are you doing up at 6am anyway?

haha, wait a minute what are YOU doing up at 6, and 2:47am in the same day?

It’s only 3:38am here; hardly bed time!

oh yeah you’re in CA now right? I thought you were in the north east

I was in Cambridge, MA; now I’m in Portland, OR. Keep up with the times! :confounded:

Kril - does modifying the discourse install seem like a reasonable thing to do? :slight_smile:

Yes, It is running. There is no problem.

That’s a relief!

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I noticed in tutorial reposts, when you show the full post, the domain/path is not getting appropriately prepended for inline images - missing a forward slash. Example:


should be

The forums still occasionally fail to load with a 500 response. Main site is fine, but anything in ends up as a white page. Still expecting things like that, maybe during maintenance or something? Or should that not be happening?

Should not be happening. I know there is a memory leak that the Discourse team is fixing, and I’ll upgrade to the latest version this evening. Let’s see if that happens to fix the problem.

Just updated the forums to address the memory leak described here:

I’m going to assume that won’t solve our 500 responses, so I’ll do a more thorough deep dive shortly.

This looks promising. I will let you know if it happens again. I ping the site several times a day.

Around 12pm EST today I had it happen again - that was just a few minutes ago and its working fine now… of course when I tried to submit this post I’m getting a 500 error popup and the main forum page isn’t loading.

Really strange. I am not seeing anything unusual in the forum logs. Let me check the server ones later and see what may be the cause.

Ultimately, I think some of this has to do with discourse just not being optimized for really large forums yet.

I looked through some logs about an hour ago and wasn’t haven’t much luck finding a good stack trace (or similar) for those 500s.

I did find this silly sequence of requests:

[17/Feb/2015:21:26:10 +0000] GET /letter_avatar/zombiedude/50/2.png 
[17/Feb/2015:21:26:12 +0000] GET /letter_avatar/michael_reisman/50/2.png
[17/Feb/2015:21:26:15 +0000] GET /letter_avatar/rachelysis/50/2.png
[17/Feb/2015:21:26:18 +0000] GET /letter_avatar/hannahwr/50/2.png
[17/Feb/2015:21:26:18 +0000] GET /letter_avatar/eddie_e/50/2.png
[17/Feb/2015:21:26:31 +0000] GET /user_avatar/
[17/Feb/2015:21:26:31 +0000] GET /letter_avatar/dkaikster/40/2.png HTTP/1.1
[17/Feb/2015:21:26:32 +0000] GET /letter_avatar/dkaikster/64/2.png HTTP/1.1

This sort of pop-in happens frequently on the main page. It seems like it’d be faster to draw those letter avatars in JS/SVG/canvas/DOM than make a separate HTTP request for each one.

The long forum loading time issues may be fixed:

I just did an update with their latest changes. Like I mention in my response there, sometimes the forums load really quickly. Other times they take longer. Not sure what is going on there :slight_smile: