_alpha coding issue

i have attached a timelime copy to this note. I need help in coding this movieclip for i have tried all sorts of coding to alter the _alpha values but not getting the effect needed.

Examine the attached file. on the first layer that image will play till it fades out between frame 25 to 35 where directly above it another image fades in. The same effect for image 2 and 3 between frame 60 and 70 and also image1 and 3 between 95 and 105.

I just can seem to get the coding right. i even tried creating the animations in fireworks with the effect and exporting to flash. The double instance of the image is throwing me off.

I have a copy of swish max2, however i am able to get the fading effect i need but only as a separate swf file. That means i will have to call that to load in position needed on site to play.

I prefer having a movie clip as part of the scene. Anyone care to help with _alpha property value coding.

make reference to: mcImage1 instance name img1_mc
mcImage2 img2_mc
mcImage3 img3_mc

Would appreciate all help available.