I’m leaning to use Flash MX and was wondering how I might go about setting a specific window size when calling a hyperlink. (example) - Clicking on a link will open a new window at 150 px by 250 px. Anyone have a good tutorial on this?
on (release) {
//customize the window that gets opened
// 0 equals NO.
// 1 equals YES.
address = "URL of page you want to open here";
target_winName = "";
width = 400;
height = 400;
toolbar = 0;
location = 0;
directories = 0;
status = 0;
menubar = 0;
scrollbars = 0;
resizable = 0;
//sends data back to the function
openWinCentre(address, target_winName, width, height, toolbar, location, directories, status, menubar, scrollbars, resizable);
The javascript above opens a new window 400x400 with no scrollbars, replace the zeros with ones on each feature if you want to enable them. Just place the URL of the page you want into the script and you’re all set. Hope it helps. =)