_global functions

Hey All,

I have a movie clip that is holding an empty movie clip inside which I load movie clips into dependent on what menu . I have some global functions set up so that if the user clicks a link inside of one of the inner movie clips it will load the linked movie clip in and set the menu to look right. This part is working great for me, however I want to take it to the next level.

Some of these inner movie clips have 3 or 4 movie clips in them that I have simply fading in and out over top of each other dependant on the sub nav… this is also working fine…

What I cannot get to work fine is this: I want to make it now so I can have the links described in the first paragraph loading up any one of these inner 3 or 4 clips, not just the generic “landing” page it always lands on… This is what I am currently trying:

// this is the normal one that works fine...

_global.goToSomeLink = function():Void
    someLink_btn.selected._visible = true; // sets the main nav properties to reflect where the user is now
    someLink_btn.enabled = false;
    mClipLoader.loadClip("someLink.swf", content); // content is empty movie clip

// what I am trying now

_global.goToSomeLinkInnerLink1 = function():Void
    someLink_btn.selected._visible = true;
    someLink_btn.enabled = false;
    mClipLoader.loadClip("someLink.swf", content);
    onLoadComplete = function(mc:MovieClip):Void
        trace("-----------------------------------------------------"); // this traces fine

// inside of the 'someLink' action script

_global.goToInnerLink1 = function():Void
    // code that works to display inner link 1, trace function is not showing up even... therefore I know it is not being called... WTF?!


If anyone could help me out that would be great, I was up until 7 am with this client last night and I don’t want to do it again tonight… Thanks :smiley: