Here is a tut that can be useful…
Useful for what?
Well Zoom in magnify,Thumbnails.
Is the code hard?
Hell No
Its very simple 3 lines of code
What’s the code look like?
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
_width = 200;
_height = 200;
Teach Me?
Well make a square and put it on stage.
Convert it to a MC(MovieClip)
Add the code above.
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
The Event When you click the mouse down it will do the following.
_width = 200;
Simple enough the width of your Square will change in to the width of 200 on the stage.
_height = 200;
Same thing but chnage the square so it is 200 in hieght
This tut was just o give an example of some Zomming in and simple code.