_parent equivalent in Java?

Wasn’t sure where to put this (maybe Computers & Games would have been better?)

But basically what I’m looking for is a way to access an variable in and object in the object that’s the parent of the class I’m in.

In flash I’d do something like

But I have no idea how to do this in Java. Any ideas?

I’ve got a main object that creates two other objects, from within a method in one of the objects, I want to check the state of a variable in the other object that the main object created.


super and parent are very different
actionscript’s super and java’s super are the same thing

I’m not sure there’s an equivalent (though my Java is a little rusty). I’d just pass a reference to the parent object in the constructor of the child, then you’ll have the reference you want.

Wow, I can’t believe I didn’t think of passing it as a parameter. Thanks guys, I’ll try it next Wednesday when I go back to school and let you know how it turns out.

You can also use dot notation to access nested data from the passed in object :}