$_POST problem

I am having a problem inserting into a table using this function. The problem lies withing this lines

INSERT INTO $table ('.implode(',', $rows).') VALUES ('".$_POST[$rows]."')";

Code calling the function

$mainrow = array('info','links');
$display-> addNews($tablename,$mainrow,"index");            

Function inside the class

    public function addNews( $table , $rows, $page )
        $output='<div class="post">';
        $i = 1;
        if (isset($_POST['submitted']))
                $insert = "INSERT INTO $table ('.implode(',', $rows).') VALUES ('".$_POST[$rows]."')";
               $add_member = mysql_query($insert);
                $msg = "You have successfully added an entry<br>";
                echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2; URL='$page.php'>";
                echo $msg;
                echo implode(',', $rows)."<br>";
                echo implode(',', $_POST[$rows])."<br>";
            $output.= '<form method="post" class="box">';
            foreach ( $rows as $v ) 
                $output.='<textarea name="'.$v.'" class="box_inner">'.$v.'txt</textarea><br>';
            $output.='<br /><input name="submitted" type=submit id="submit" value=submit>';
        echo $output;