Hello Everyone,
I followed the Kirupa tutorial “Preloader & Transition for dynamic files” for two features on a site I’m working on. I’m horrible at Actionscripting.
In the main movie I used the tutorial for my menu. Each button will call & load a different movie clip.
This is where I think the trouble begins:
I wanted to build a seperate part where users could click on a button and it would load a different background. I followed the tutorial again to build it. I am loading the “background.swf” into the main movie.
Well…so as not to confuse myself I followed the tutorial very closely and some of the variables are the same in the main timeline as in the loaded “background” movie clip. Just to be safe I renamed some instances in the “background” movie clip.
When I Publish Preview my “Background” movie…It works fine. But when I start my “main” movie and it loads the “background” movie into itself “background movie” buttons fail to make any effect on changing the background. Just to clarify…All buttons are located in their respected movie clips.
On my main movie timeline…here’s the actionscript that calls the "background movie into an empty movie clip
loadMovie(“backgroundmovie.swf”, headerholder);
I know very little about actionscript… is there a way I can sort of isolate the “backgroundmovie.swf”. Which would be a level issue? Right? Um?
I’ll just shut up now and continue to beg. Thanks so much.
You can view a sample of the project:
The “background movie” that I’m referring to is the changing pic on the top.
Correy Bravo