Thanks for the correction Eyezberg, I get the concept of levels, and it’s fine that this picture stays on top, it’s when I don’t want the picture anymore on the screen, I don’t know hoe to unload it, I tried a bunch of different things (logical for me but not really for Flash!) I thought for exampl IF:
holder.loadMovie(“…/pic/photo1.jpg”); loads the jpg in the MC container,
holder.UNloadMovie(“…/pic/photo1.jpg”); would unload it…
Well, It didn’t …
Where I am mistaken… ?
Thanks guys,
Thanks, newhopekenny!, that’s working BUT now this action remove all the movies! … the one on level 0 as well (menu etc…)
The action for the “return to menu” button is:
[color=blue]on (release) {
[color=black]That is the code on another button that create the MC-holder and load the jpg:[/color]
[color=blue]on (release) {
holder._x= 200;
holder._y = 150 ;
[color=black]Any idea…? I think we are verrrry close![/color]
[color=black]Thanks ![/color]