_root problems


I´m new in actionsript and I have a problem with _root.
I have a swf. with two MC en the main stage: Mc_menu and Mc_pages. The Mc_menu has several buttons with the code “_root.pages=2” which moves the different pages that are in the Mc_pages. If I publish the fla. it works perfectly.

Now, when I wanted to load this swf into another with “loadmovie” with an empty MC the pages stop working… I guess is because of the rutes, but i don´t know how to refer them correctly.

What I have right now is: in the main stage an empty MC and a button with the code:

on (release) {
loadMovie(“pres.swf”, “mc_empty”);

and the external swf (pres.swf) that I want to load into it, which I explain before.

Can someone help me correct the code (_root.pages=2) so it can work as it should?

I hope I was clear…
