I put in a co-ord like, say -260 and it decides, NO, IM GOING TO PUT IT AT -260.1. and if I say NO i want you at -260 i hit enter to confirm and it changes to -260.1 !!
I even try to compromise with the program, ‘alright’ i say 'lets just do 261. BUT NO. Then it changes to 261.1 ??? Any ideas?
Flash does this for me too and everyone of course. To stop Flash from doing this, you just gotta tell it more than once that you want the co-ord to be -260. Once it changes to -260.1, whoop Flashes azz and just change the co-ords to -260**.0**. All you needed was to add the .0 in there and tha biznitch will behave. That should tame the little whipper snapper (lol).