[04] PHP Variables to Flash and Reverse

Okay. First I am sure this has been asked before.

Probably many times.

“So why don’t you do a damm search?” I hear you ask…

Well I did, I have done around 6 or 7 searches along the lines of passing variables, sql and flash, sql flash and php, and when I submit the search, the only result I get is a damm server error about memory issues.

The question is this. Does anyone have a very, very simple php vars passed to flash to display file that I may view?

I know how to do this with a text file, but am not entirely sure if it is the same routine.

Does the Flash have to be on the same page as the php, or just link to remote files?

Also, what are the security issues with passing from Flash to php? Say for instance passwords.
From php i can do a MD5 hash before it leaves the system to a server… well what about between the Flash and the php. Everyone says do it in the php, but if it is insecure I wanna know, so I can do it in the Flash.

And finally, can the flash be used to edit the php vars? Say, a Flash form, username and password, to the php, php does the querrying, and says yes or no, flash then gives t3h finger. I am pretty sure it can be, as I have seen it before, however every search I have done for something of this nature seems to be chating about ASP, which I have never touched in my life. And don’t plan touching it at all.

Thank you for your time and patience with this querry.