~ 100th post ~

Yay, I supose this is not such a great deal but weeee, just like to say I think kirupia.com is cool and I love you all :thumb: :love:

uh… thx
does this topic count as spam
ehhh… i dont care

100TH POST!!!

Just kidding =) Congratulations bud, I guess :smiley:


EDIT: 777th POST!!! YESSSS!!


I posted on my 500th post, and got it pulled… I don’t think this will stay for long, but for now, Congrats! :party:

EDIT: 777th POST!!! YESSSS!!

does that mean you do 7777 damage for this turn?

*Originally posted by Booyaka *
**uh… thx
does this topic count as spam
ehhh… i dont care

my apologies, but what a cool community eh, eh ? … I’ll sit in the corner for a while :+)

nothing to look forward to now but you 1000th

how spam is this

Don’t worry, we’ll Spam by you 'till the end.
That was groutly awfull!

*Originally posted by SeiferTim *
**does that mean you do 7777 damage for this turn? **

…yes. It means exactly that.


(it’s a Final Fantasy reference).

You’re thread’s been Hijacked!

oh well no damage done"

well good idea to make use of it, maybe I wont get repremanded for spaming

Don’t worry before you know it you’ll have 1000 posts. I got hooked.

[sarcasm]hmm dont know about that[/sarcasm]

'Cos, i mean, i was gona sit down with a beer and watch a film, i thought, just see whats the latest at kirupa, that was 2 hours ago, im still here, yawn realy must move away from the screen.

can I not do [sarcasm] ? did I miss something ? :frowning:

it’s [s][**/s], buddy :wink:

testing :slight_smile:

haha thankyous :blush:

Edit: probably should just delete this thread !!

w00t my ___ post. I don’t keep track of post counts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Congrats though, hope you’re here for a lonnnnggg time :slight_smile: