:: 2 Clip questions ::

Ok, I’m giving clips a major try here and am having some confusions

so… assuming that for a fully transitioned website I am building, the first navigable section animation is finished, but sitting on the main movie timeline…

  1. I want to take it out of my main movie, convert it into a clip (in as FEW moves as possible) ?? (there’s about 18 layers)

  2. once the layers are put into the clip I need to make sure they line up EXACTLY to the original placement?? so that when they are scripted to pop in, they will line up properly ??


Any insight and links would be soo much appreciated!!! a gift of first born Gnu to any who assist!!!

how about this:

  1. do a save as (ex. subMovie.fla)
  2. remove everything else except for the 18 layers
  3. publish movie (subMovie.swf)
  4. back in your main movie, use 'loadMovie (“subMovie.swf”, level);
  5. voila–everything is already in position because th movie sizes are the same (this is the trick to loading external swfs–the movie dimensions much match up)

does that fit the bill for what you’re looking to do?

Fantastic, I’m gonna give it a try and see if I pull it off properly
I’ll be back in a few


a Gnu for you!!

Oh this works perfectly!

It led me to my final question here…hmm

Ok, my clip, when it ends, ends with a nav. button out of that section. its animated and on the last frame of this separate movie, I want it to jump to a particular frame in the main movie to begin the roll-in again. ???

I imagine this can be done… hopefully simply, but I can’t picture how to make this frame jump happen. since it is from within one movie, into the main movie.

again THHHAAAANNKKies!! this is saving my life!!

this is an easy one, you just have to understand about hierarchies of movie clips and the root. the root, of course is the main timeline of your movie. each movie clip that is loaded in has its own timeline, and is considered a ‘child’ of the main movie, plus any MCs that spawned/loaded it:
_root.MC1; //this is the hierarchy of your MC1
_root.MC1.MC2; //MC2 is a ‘child’ of MC1
if you want MC2 to do something to MC1, you would write something like this inside MC2’s timeline: _parent.gotoAndPlay(1);
if you wanted MC2 to do something to the main timeline, you could do it 2 ways:
_parent. _parent. gotoAndPlay(frame);
or, more simply: _root.gotoAndPlay(frame);

in your case, just use '_root.gotoAndPlay();
and it will tell the main movie to go to that frame and do what you want

bonus example: you can also tell other MCs on the main timeline what to do:
say that MC3 is sitting next to MC1 on your main timeline–MC1 can tell MC3 what to do by saying something like: _root.MC3.gotoAndPlay(1);
when in doubt, start w. _root. and then the MC name–everything is relative to the root…

i know this is a little overkill, but it’ll help you out in the long run…

ps. as for saving your life, i’m glad to help–it’s a lot easier than pulling you out of a burning building!

woooah dawg, YESSS! I’m gonna have to chew on that for a minute, but once again Mojo, you are da maaan

ahhh, I think I’ve got it all
that bonus bit is FANTASTIC.

yes, if you hadn’t come across me these few times I would have been in a burning building. :flower:
once again, thank you much!