i´ve just started using it and it makes me happy, i´d recommend downloading it and using it. if you do want to use the built in package the closest i can think to have a simultaneous firing is:
import fl.transitions.Tween
import fl.transitions.easing.Regular
var a:Array = new Array(new Tween(your_mc,“x”,Regular.easeIn,boxmc.x,300,1,true),
new Tween(boxmc,“y”,Regular.easeIn,your_mc.y, 300,1,true))
as a side note: i´ve found putting tweens in an array like this seems to fix some of the problems i´ve run into when i do the more standard thing:
var twn1:Tween = new Tween(…)
var twn2:Tween = new Tween(…)
sometimes when removing tweens, adding listeners, etc… this will run into problems. i think it has something to do with the garbage collector… anyway putting tweens in arrays gets rid of such problems
They’ll all fire at the same time. I think you’re either misunderstanding how it works or you’re not articulating why they need to be in the same declaration.