2 photoshop workflow questions

hey guys,

from time to time while using photoshop i think “hmm, there must be a better way to do this” about little things. So i’m coming to you all again to try find out if there’s any tricks for these two small things:

  1. i often hide and show layers. can i somehow make a layer visible AND make it the active layer at once? its a tiny thing, but would sure be handy!

  2. can i somehow ‘place’ a number of images at once? the place command only lets you choose one file, and if i jsut open explorer and drag a whole bunch in, they of course open in their own windows, so i have to copy and paste each one into my original document…

are these jsut things i have to put up with?

  • stu

yeah, but it’d be nice if there was a key you could hold down or something… or if selecting a layer automatcially made it visible.

ah well.