2 questions: mp3 player

I am trying to develop a mp3player. I know only the basics and I need somebody to please help me out witha couple of things:

1 is there a way to load an external mp3 file randomly from a list of files in a folder? is there a “rand” function (as in php) or something to get random numbers?

2 how can I display the ID3 tags?

please help me out! thank you…

ps. I am using k. bellew’s tutorial as a guide.

  1. Use the Math.random() to get a random number. Search the forums, you’ll find tons of examples.

  2. Check this:

*Originally posted by claudio *
**1. Use the Math.random() to get a random number. Search the forums, you’ll find tons of examples.

  1. Check this:
    http://www.flashguru.co.uk/000100.php **

obrigado claudio. thanks a lot.
just one thing. I’m reading about that Math.random(). do you know how to get just a number between 0 and 9? I can only get number betweeon 0 and 1 with it.



*Originally posted by claudio *


:wink: **

clever. thank you. :slight_smile:

welcome =)