2 questions

1.) is it possible to make a button with a clicked in and unclicked state instead of over and release? if so could some one lend me their knoweledge

2.)im trying to make an interface that looks like an audo panel, and when i click a button a panel slides out on the right, how can i mask the area where the panel slides out so it looks like it’s coming from behind the front panel?

if the question is misunderstood please tell me

  1. I’m not sure if this would work because I’m not good at flash really, but this is just a thought. If you made 2 frames, one with the unpressed and one with the pressed state of the button and then just used an onMousePress or Release command, it would go ot the other frame and look like you want. I hope that made sense.
  1. Use movie clips to act as buttons, and (as xxviii said) - script a gotoAndStop to frames containing the right look.
    All movieClip (btns) would need to ‘tell’ any previously clicked ones to return to the ‘unclicked state’ (or frame)
  2. Your masked slide out would need to be a sep. MC with the mask in the spot where you want your panel to show itself and tween the panel from area of controls out into the mask space.
    Your MC (btns) above would ‘talk’ to this clip telling it to do its’ stuff via A~script (one press of a btn can initiate several actions on the movie whether made as an MC or actual Btn.)

…hope that adds some help

is this what u lookin for?