2D XML-backed AS3 Game Engine

Whew, that’s a long name! I should probably think of something shorter…

Anyway, my engine reads off an XML document to determine the levels’ backgrounds and the placement of its enemies. Almost all of the code that drives the game is encapsulated, so to add a new enemy, you just have to extend the Enemy class and link it to a library symbol. You can change speed, jump-height, and AI of your enemy mostly by setting variables in your enemy’s class.

Here’s a more complete explanation, [URL=“http://www.evankroske.com/gameengine.php”]here’s a demo game (I’m sorry it’s awful; I’m a developer, not an artist), and [URL=“http://www.evankroske.com/downloads/gameengineV1.zip”]here’s the source. I’d like to see what somebody else can come up with, because my sorry demo is a poor indicator of the quality of my engine. Tell me what you think (of the engine, NOT the game!)