I have worked and researched this for the best of 8 hrs per day for 2 weeks and I give up! I’m thinking I must be REALLY stupid!!!
Maybe one of you could put me out of my misery as I try and explain simply what is going wrong…
I’ve put in the body of my css text-align: center;
then I put margin: auto; and position: relative; in my main div
So then I have divs relative to that and three of them are happy to accomodate and remain in position across browsers - namely windows IE6 and windows Firefox
But my remaining divs which are text with link REFUSE to align across these two browsers! They are positioned relative and in the html they are included like the others in the main div.
I have exhausted all possibilities(including hacks) to make it work so am just going to align everything left if I can’t find a solution by tommorrow.
PLEASE can someone help? I’ve created so many different versions of the page that I decided not to offer a link because it is all too confusing!