3.52 Am

It is 3.52 AM do you know where your FLA is?

I’m really bored is anybody alive?

My creative juices are flowing and I’m working on my portfolio.

it’s 2 PM here so I’m pretty much alive!

hey ur site = 404 right now. Just an FYI

I know that! it has been for 3 days now! I can’t access my e-mail too! Shoulda been fixed by now but… :-\

Sounds like somebody is gonna get a []D [] []/[] []D slapping.

What are you on about, it’s only 12.30. :slight_smile: The British Grand Prix is kicking off and the sun is shining. :beam:

haha u crazy brits. Kitiara, I added you to my budd list on AIM but I don’t see you online. Can only people on your buddy list see you online?

naah everybody can as long as you have the SN. That’s why AIM is better than MSN - you can see someone - who can’t see ya

*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
**naah everybody can as long as you have the SN. That’s why AIM is better than MSN - you can see someone - who can’t see ya **

You can do that in MSN too! : P

*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
**naah everybody can as long as you have the SN. That’s why AIM is better than MSN - you can see someone - who can’t see ya **

Not true. You can set AIM up so that only people on your buddy list can see you online. Check the privacy section in your options. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by DigitalPimp *
**haha u crazy brits. Kitiara, I added you to my budd list on AIM but I don’t see you online. Can only people on your buddy list see you online? **
You probably couldn’t see me because I wasn’t online. :slight_smile: I don’t use IM programs that much, oly if I know someone s there who I want to talk to / wants to talk to me. :slight_smile:

And I mostly use MSN, rather than AIM, though I have both…

hey kit, how would you know if they want to talk to you if you cant talk to them:P:P:P:P


PMs :stuck_out_tongue: Or txts :stuck_out_tongue:

What he said. :slight_smile: Plus I <i>am</i> psychic. :beam:

*Originally posted by Soul *
**PMs :stuck_out_tongue: Or txts :stuck_out_tongue: **

lol you forgot the apostrophe for PM’S…

:P:beam: =)

:bad: gets spoon out

  • Soul :s:

Now, I knew he was going to do that…

lol, the time was there for me to. so i did:P

Soul- its a wooden spoon, whats that going to do. Plus, im in America:P


I’m gonna whoop your *** with it :bad:

its a big spoon? lol. lol soul is gonna use up all his bandwith from him taking up the spoon :stuck_out_tongue: seriously watch that happen