I almost have it, but no matter what %'s I assign, the right col ignores me and is difficult.
Any suggestions?
I almost have it, but no matter what %'s I assign, the right col ignores me and is difficult.
Any suggestions?
The only content will go in that center div.
Basically my boss wants me to turn this:
into CSS…
It seems like the more I look at it, the harder it gets and less attainable it seems. I’ve read about 50 tutorials on 3 col layouts too…
Why is CSS supposedly better than tables again??
you don’t need a 3 column layout to accomplish this.
One main div, centered, with a big background image applied to the page body to complete the background image.
That is all
You need to abandon the “table” way of thinking in terms of layout images,
you don’t need containers to add images, you just add them to the background of a div, or the background of the page.
For example, i would make your page like this:
<div class="container">
<div class="header"</div>
<div class="content"></div>
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background: url(images/bg.jpg) no-repeat **center** top; [COLOR=RoyalBlue]/* combine your left and right images into one large one, center makes the image appear in the middle of the page. */[/COLOR]
.container {
width: 1000px; [COLOR=RoyalBlue]/* Adjust this, you probably will not be able to use 80% */[/COLOR]
margin: 0 auto; [COLOR=RoyalBlue]/* Centers the container div in the page */[/COLOR]
.container .header {
height: 200px; [COLOR=RoyalBlue]/* adjust this */[/COLOR]
background: url(images/header.jpg) no-repeat; [COLOR=RoyalBlue]/* remove header from content_div.jpg, make it its own image */[/COLOR]
.container .content {
background: url(images/content_div.jpg) no-repeat top; [COLOR=RoyalBlue]/* content area image, aligned to the top */[/COLOR]
Hope that helps
[QUOTE=fasterthanlight™;2330261]you don’t need a 3 column layout to accomplish this.
One main div, centered, with a big background image applied to the page body to complete the background image.
That is all
You need to abandon the “table” way of thinking in terms of layout images,
you don’t need containers to add images, you just add them to the background of a div, or the background of the page.
For example, i would make your page like this:
<div class="container">
<div class="header"</div>
<div class="content"></div>
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background: url(images/bg.jpg) no-repeat **center** top; [COLOR=RoyalBlue]/* combine your left and right images into one large one, center makes the image appear in the middle of the page. */[/COLOR]
.container {
width: 1000px; [COLOR=RoyalBlue]/* Adjust this, you probably will not be able to use 80% */[/COLOR]
margin: 0 auto; [COLOR=RoyalBlue]/* Centers the container div in the page */[/COLOR]
.container .header {
height: 200px; [COLOR=RoyalBlue]/* adjust this */[/COLOR]
background: url(images/header.jpg) no-repeat; [COLOR=RoyalBlue]/* remove header from content_div.jpg, make it its own image */[/COLOR]
.container .content {
background: url(images/content_div.jpg) no-repeat top; [COLOR=RoyalBlue]/* content area image, aligned to the top */[/COLOR]
Hope that helps[/QUOTE]
I’ll try it Tuesday when I go back to work. Thanks for the mini-tut on abandoning Table thinking. I needed that.
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