3 Jumbled Words - Stumped!

Hey everyone,
I was IM’ed this rather strange decoding thing/stuff. There are three words merged into the following series of letters:

a g f p b d j j r b n g f c g c k i a c h h d a e a

Does anybody know what the three individual words are? I’ve been staring at it for the past 2 seconds (ha!) and I can’t seem to figure it out.

Here is a file that lists the potential words that could be one out of the three words we are seeking: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=203255

Kirupa :ub:

wow! lol i will still look

The PD is extraneous - meant to throw us off; I just found that out a few seconds ago…still doesn’t help me much.

thats pretty rough

heres something that might help a little… vowels seperated out and the rest in alphabetical order:

a a a a e i
b b c c c d d f f g g g h h j j k n p r

or me…

26 letters in the thing…

I would’ve assumed the letters would be in the order they appear in the words, but it seems impossible that way since there aren’t enough vowels near the start, so maybe not.

EDIT: Kirupa was having a brain freeze, and besides referring to himself in third person, removed the erroneous letters posted.

Kirupa :bandit:

A list of potential words ThePope sent me using a program called Anagram Genius.

It may help :slight_smile:

Kirupa, the bogus p and d were already removed, Sens list was right.

lego, you sent this word thing?

no, but the list in the first post has already been edited from the original one he posted to remove a ‘pd’ and that’s what sen’s rearranged.

Sorry - I edited my post; I was mistaken :slight_smile: Sen’s post was accurate. On another note, here is another page that may help somebody out: http://www.ssynth.co.uk/~gay/anagram.html I was unable to get a workable solution - I am going to get a pen and paper and try to do this by hand (probably the way it was intended to be done) :slight_smile:

Kirupa :rd:

I was provided with the solution and the method of obtaining it - I’ll post it sometime tomorrow. I don’t want to discourage any of you from staying up all night trying to figure this out :stuck_out_tongue:

wait, is it an actual anagram or is there some system?

There is a system. The methods that we used previously would probably not work.

Well, the solution is “guess this code”. The solution can be found by converting all the letters to their numerical equivalents. For example, A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.

In the end, you have 26 numbers, or 13 sets of numbers. Take each set of numbers and add them together. You will now have 13 numbers. Subtract 1 from each number, and you will have another group of 13 numbers. Convert the numbers back to their graphical, letter equivalents. You will get guessthiscode which breaks down into: “guess this code”.

Thanks to Raja for IM’ing me this puzzle and the solution, and thanks to the encoder of this puzzle - Anand. As is the case with most online acquaintances, their last names elude me :slight_smile:

Kirupa :tb:

:looks above his head:
Oh look there it goes now!

Yeah - all the great lengths I and a few friends went to find various C++ anagram decoders, Word Macros, etc. to solve this problem was in vain lol.

wow, cryptography. that’s pretty dense, and there i was descrambling the letters and such.