3 Little Problems

Hi everyone,
I’m almost finished a site but there are a few things which I just can’t figure out. Some of them may well be quite basic but they’re driving me nuts!

  1. I’m having a spot of bother with a tutorial I got for a scrollbar which is designed for Action Script 1.0 through Flash Player 6 but the site I’m working on is designed for Action Script 2.0 through Flash Player 7 and so the scrollbar won’t work for me. Can anyone tell me what I can do to modify the following code?

scrollbar.onMouseDown = function() {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse) && txt._height>mask._height) {
this.startDrag(false, scrollbarBG._x, scrollbarBG._y, scrollbarBG._x, scrollbarBG._height-this._height)
txt.onEnterFrame = scrollThumbs;
dragging = true;
scrollbar.onMouseUp = function() {
dragging = false;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function scrollThumbs() {

var funkyVar = -this._parent.scrollbar._y*(((this._height-this._parent.scrollbar._height)/(this._parent.scrollbarBG._height-this._parent.scrollbar._height))-1)
this.Y = (funkyVar-this._y)*.2;
this._y += this.Y;
if(Math.abs(funkyVar-this._y)<1 && !dragging){
delete this.onEnterFrame;


  1. Has anyone ever had trouble with a movie clip which, when moved above a certain layer, messes up the text in several other layers? The text appears to be missing certain letters, almost as if some letters had not been embedded.

  2. How do I vertically align my swf in a html file?

Thanks for reading this.