300 times

I tried them a little while back. I thought they were alright but I didnt like the kind of soda it was put in. I really cant explain it.

Id rather make them up myself and just use the coke.

You must have cought a descent buzz off of those if you put down six in an hour :thumb:

I think those things have a good ammount of JD in them.

Yikes, if those things are anything like CC&G’s (canadian club whiskey and gingerale) then yah, she should have been down right smashed! :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**Yikes, if those things are anything like CC&G’s (canadian club whiskey and gingerale) then yah, she should have been down right smashed! :slight_smile: **

Huh…its funny you mention that stuff man. I saw that for the first time this weekend.

I tried someone elses. It was not that bad.

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
I type well over 300 emails.

I burn probably over 300 CD’s (work/home)

I edit more than 300 HTML Pages

I use more than 300 gallons of gas.

I drive more then 300 miles.

I use more then 300 staples

I wipe (tp) over 300 times **

hey, you forgot that you drink over 300 beers!!!:evil:

*Originally posted by rere420 *
**hey, you forgot that you drink over 300 beers!!!:evil: **

I dink WELL over three hundred beers

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**I dink WELL over three hundred beers **

you may want to edit that post!!! Sounds like you have some weird fetish!!:flower:

*Originally posted by rere420 *
**you may want to edit that post!!! Sounds like you have some weird fetish!!:flower: **

Yeah…I am well known at the local hospitals

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**Yeah…I am well known at the local hospitals **

were you that guy on the floor covered in 151 and vomit when i came in with my finger hanging off from a table saw?

hehe. sorry for splurging blood on you. :wink:

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**masturbate? :stuck_out_tongue: **


Edwin… what are you talking about? :stuck_out_tongue:

Another one of those weird American spellings, perhaps?

learn to spoll!

lol, yeah… mastu… right… hehehe :whistle: :stuck_out_tongue:


  1. Feed my dog
  2. Open the gate before leaving home
  3. Staring at myself for 5 minutes in the mirror, trying to wake up in the morning. When I’m still blurry, I continue to stare. :stuck_out_tongue:

300 times? I send about 300 texts each month. I drink more than 300 milksahkes a year. I play sonic the hedghog at least 3000 times a year (cant get enough of the little blue dude!) I take more than 300 photos a year. I watch DVD’s 300+ times a year.

This list just goes on and on, and non of it is interesting really.

*Originally posted by redGolgi *
**were you that guy on the floor covered in 151 and vomit when i came in with my finger hanging off from a table saw?

hehe. sorry for splurging blood on you. :wink: **

I put money on it was not me :slight_smile:

But that sounds like one hell of a party :slight_smile:

I’ve worked out that I send about 2400 texts each year! :-\

= £240 each year on txts alone. Not good lol

  • Soul :s:

*Originally posted by Soul *
**I’ve worked out that I send about 2400 texts each year! :-\

= £240 each year on txts alone. Not good lol

  • Soul :s: **

My god man!

You would be better off just using the phone to talk and rack up your air time charges.

It would still most likely be cheaper.

Thats because he doesnt actually call anyone/receive calls from anyone :stuck_out_tongue:

anyway, lunch and the bank and the opticians - back… sooon…ish :slight_smile:

I do, just not very often :-\

Phone phobia

300 times a year? hmmmmm
