I am working on a proposal for a real estate company who is in need of a 360 tour of each house they plan to showcase.
What are some of my options here in developing something like this?
I have heard about a few other companies who specialize in the 360 tours (usually targetting real estate companies for showcasing their homes).
My thought about acheiving the 360 tour result is have one large picture that will move left and right depending where the cursor is located.
In order to do this, would I need to have a special type of high quality camera to take the pictures?
There will most likely be the need to do around 100-1000 per year or more.
Is there a seperate program I could purchase that would automatically create these tours by inserting the picture?
Would this be a plug-in inside Flash that I could purchase- or would it be seperate?
Is anyone aware of any software that would aid in the creation of the 360 tours?
I am really looking forward to your feedback on this issue.