3D Battle: Another one!

Ok, who here has a looot of time on their hands and wants to further develope their 3d skillz?

I do, and I hope you do too.

-Free for all battle
-**Unlimited polygons
**-object/main idea yet to be decided by the participants.

Lets get some ideas going, then lets battle to the DEATH!!

Some Ideas:
[color=Red] -Piece of Furniture[/color]
[color=Red][color=black]-A Building
-Scenic Area
-A Tool (i.e. hammer, screwdriver, etc.)
-Electronic Appliance
-Space Wars Scene[/color]
[color=Black] -Zombie/Monsters[/color]
Please comit only if you know you have the time, and will finish the project. **Due date yet to be decided after idea chosen.
Lets do this thing :thumb: