i’m building this 3d flash chat site. I need it to be tested.
It is still a beta and some feature is missing, but the main engine is done. Any feedback is very welcome, thank you.
i’m building this 3d flash chat site. I need it to be tested.
It is still a beta and some feature is missing, but the main engine is done. Any feedback is very welcome, thank you.
I joined! That awesome dude! I’m gunna be there often. w00t!
one of the most innovative chat flash progs i have ever seen. looked great and the options provided although limited were great.
you need something to tell us if anyone is on
ohh yes make more maps please?
i’ll help with above if you teach me how to do that
and i’m sure other would lioke to help too
imagine something like sims online?
yeh, more maps or if the maps could be bigger and be “scrollable” would be cool
what sure i need most is characters design as i’m more a programmer than a designer
someone wants to design for free? lol
i could do some 3d’s but when i’m done i need somewhere to send them
like i have this for a night city scene
Night Factory - the big white thing in the middle
hey another idea day and night based on the time of day of the server
if i could i would = D
but im not a good designer either
D =
I hope to see more people inside next time. Excellent designed user data-sheet. Don’t like too much slow “transactions” between views.
send me the Character you have and I’ll create a few for you… I’m an artist and not as much a programmer. I’d love to make a few maps too.
I will need a map and character to see how they work first. you know make them match the style.
wow thats pretty neat :P!
i made some update to the engine that should work better, nothing visual except the ballons, that seems to have some little prob, if you notice some bug, please report it, thanks
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