3d help

I’m kind of starting with 3d. But I really don’t know where to start, better say which program to use. I’m starting with bryce and poser together. Ok Poser is ok, but in bryce I can’ really get what I’d like to. I’m not interested in landmarks etc… I’m more in complex stuff like complex mechanical robots, abstract things and so. And of course animals people plants, for that i’ll use poser 'cause it’s simple. So now -> which program to start with that has many tutorials available, and it’s prefect for creating things that I want. Maya and 3dsMax seems to hard for me. Or it’s just me? :smiley:

                                                                         re, p|nc

No, Maya and Max are hard for everyone. :wink:

:smiley: hehe
O.K. now help me out.

I don’t know, I started out with Max but have stopped using it for some reason… I think it was because I started getting into Flash. Now I want to learn Swift3D!

Other people have recommended this one: Blender

I’m not too much of a 3D person anymore, but I guess it would depend on what you’re trying to do. Different programs are good for different things.

This has been asked before, do a search. :wink:

It’s been answered million times, but I want to hear what people say about different programs.


I’m a max fan through and through.

Maya is a complete package as well, but I’ve only glanced at it so I can’t offer a complete comparison. The fact that I’ve only glanced at it should tell you that Max does everything I need it to do, and does it extremely well. There are slightly more online resources with Max and it comes with the best beginner documentation. I think it’s worth the extra cost.

Blender is free?
The movies, animations, engine, pictures look fantastic.
It’s amazing.
What about SoftImage Xsi?

Yes, Blender is free… I would listen to what ironikart has to say, from what I’ve seen, he knows his 3D.

you know this has been asked and addressed a million times. Just try all the apps for yourself. That is the best medicine. Or search. Also cruise www.cgtalk.com and search their forum. A few people have wrote extensive articles on this. I have a mind to close this thread as well.

yep blender is free, a pretty cool tool from what ive seen but i havent used it.


**Max: **
Been around for a while, HUGE community following, many 3rd party plugins, always find help on topic on the net and in 3d specific forums. Tools are polygon dominent, based on it being the tool for game development and modelling. Can do more as which each new release of max…
Rending here is with mental ray and a “ink” renderer for line art renderings.


Softimage Xsi::
well i dont know what happen to this app, it was all hyped up and is used by many professionals out there but for a home user it seems to have droped off the max / maya / cinema 4d train… not entirely sure why , might be the price or i might be wrong. The tool can handle both sub d’s and polygons very well and mental ray 3.2(rendering system) was in it’s core so rendering was super fast.

Softimage 2015 Final Release Announcement

Since this tool is the one i use i tend to enjoy using it… hehe… like many have said it what is most comfortable with you…

Maya has always been around, with max and both pretty much at the start tried to direct their work to a specific angle, max being games, maya being motion graphic/ movies.

Maya particles are very powerful and it can handle nurbs and sub d’s very well, with each new version they are increasing the tools with the polygons , but are not really on par with 3d max yet :bad:…
Rendering also included a vector renderer(export to swf,same renderer as swift3d), and mental ray 3.2 (in maya 6)

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Great tool for beginners and even pros, cheaper than previous ones mentioned and a little easier as them as well, although it is limited it what it can do in comparison to max, maya.

new version of cinema4d (i think v8) have HDRI rendering capabilities and personally i have always been a fan of that bridge tool…

Maxon: Filmmaking, Motion Design, Animation, VFX, and Editing Software

Now this is a new tool, show to me by DDD. This looks very cool, i dont know much about it but i would like to, many innovative features/tools here and one to look out for in the future.

Imagination Engineered | Foundry

Silo(only a modeller)
This is only a modelling tool in which you need a external render to render out the models you create in this app. Although its a really great tool, i ve used it just a little when it was mentioned to me again by DDD. Tools and workflow are very innovative.

Nevercenter | Welcome


Houdini- very pro like, hard to use but extremely powerful


It can now “advanced” model and render out to swf format, it can render to bitmap and render pretty well. although is limited with its modelling tools. There is also discreet plasma which was a a cut down version of Max but seems to been a dud, as it seem to have vanished.

swift3d is great for flash work, quick and easy 3d work (eg… 3d logo spining)


That’s what I’m talking about. Thank you so much Soulty.
I think I’ll start with Max or cinema 3d,I’m already downloading a demo.
Max has many resources and Cinema sounds nice(look nice thought).
This concludes this topic. thx!

                                                                 re, p|nc

btw, MAx is from Discreet?
I own their combustion effect tool. It’s fantastic. If Max is that good I’ll stick to that.
re, p|nc

pincMX: They’re a perfect compliment to each other.

I personally use Max5, but I’ve used Maya, Lightwave, Electric Image (Universe), Blender and a bunch of others as well, and have found Maya to be the most powerful, but Max to be the most friendly and best for my needs.

The best way to pick which one works for you, is pick one and just use it or try them all and pick the one you like :smiley:

Yes, Max is from Discreet.

more in complex stuff like complex mechanical robots, abstract things and so. And of course animals people plants, for that i’ll use poser 'cause it’s simple. So now -> which program to start with that has many tutorials available, and it’s prefect for creating things that I want. Maya and 3dsMax seems to hard for me. Or it’s just me?

Im am going to say it again that its all about preference. Any application is good enough for any particular project. Its also good that you are in the middle of dlowing the demo which is a start. Start with Cinema and then see how you feel with Max. Mental Ray is good renderer and of course, the program within itself is not important but whats more important is the renderer.

Here is an interesting article:

great link Alwin, thanks… i think we should treat the which 3d app threads the same way as Leigh mentioned on CGtalk,

The links on the link you provided are more than useful for those who are inquisitive… and the list i have created here, should help people understands whats out there.

and oh btw: glad i could help you pinxMX.

I think we should do the same. Same with the what font is this threads. Thinking about doing it with the AE threads as well. Its funny how people continually ask these week in and week out.

maya all the way! … i actually use both maya and max… they both have their strong points… but i love how max and combustion go together… thre’s a max format u can render to for combustion and it’s awasome… not only dose it have alpha… but it has volocity of the object, depth of the object, texture maps, and everything u can think of… so in combustion u can actually change the texture of a rendered object!!! and add real motion blurr and everything… soo COOL!

anyway… they r all good.