3d menu (list component wrapped around horizontal cylinder)


I am stuck trying to create a vertical 3d menu that acts a bit like a 3d carousel.

Basically it would be like the list component wrapped around a horizontal cylinder. Minus the scrollbar but with a down and up button, which scroll the list to the back or to the front.

I am adding an example code here. Which does not work, but gives you the general idea.
You need to have a library item that has the class set to “NavItem”. In my library that item consists of a textfield and a rollover movieclip. that shows up when user rolls over and out.

    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;

    public class CircleMovement extends Sprite
        private var _square:Sprite;
        private var _angle:Number;
        private var _navItem:MovieClip;
        private var _naviArray:Array;
        public function CircleMovement()
            _naviArray = new Array();    
            var sw:Number = stage.stageWidth;
            var sh:Number = stage.stageHeight;
            var rotationN:Number = 90;
            var angleN:Number = 90;
            for(var i:uint=0; i<6; i++)
                var navi:NavItem = new NavItem();
                navi.name = "navi" + i;
                var angleRadians:Number = angleN * (Math.PI/180);
                navi.x = sw/2 - (navi.width/2);
                navi.y = sh/2 - (navi.height/2);
                navi.y = Math.sin(angleRadians) * 65 + 200;
                navi.z = Math.cos(angleRadians) * 65 + 200;
                navi.rotationX = rotationN;
                rotationN -= 30;
                angleN += 30;
                navi.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
                navi.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overHandler);
                navi.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, outHandler);
        private function clickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void
        private function overHandler(e:MouseEvent):void
        private function outHandler(e:MouseEvent):void

Any help is appreciated.