40+ pages: Senocular's New Tutorial on XML!


not sure if this has been said before but…EXCELLENT WORK SEN!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

one request though…can tutorials (specially large ones like this) have a printer friendly version added from now on?


If I was a female, I’d ask you to have my Flash babies, sen. :slight_smile:

woaa…thanks a lot senocular! :beer:
i’ll begin reading that tomorrow…

  • zod

I began writing it with that in mind. However, because of how large it became, my original “single page printable view” file became unmanagable requiring me to split it up into at least 5 other segments. After that, after having added the content in the Kirupa templates, further changes were made (sections added etc) so the final version and my original 5 pages are not the same. I’m currently devising a solution and will let you know when I get a printable version up (plus it would be nice to weed out all the errors first as well). :wink:

Good good. :wink:

Yeah I agree with Ratbaggy, he is smart about the idea with the printing and the tutorials and the stuff.

Yeah. Woo hoo!!

yeah me too.

There’s this thingamajigy that’ll wrap all that for ya in one single post. :slight_smile:

where is the fun




And I thought the old XML tutorials taught me enough to use XML… all this stuff I’ve been missing out on!