40+ pages: Senocular's New Tutorial on XML!

Normally I don’t announce newly added tutorials, but this seems like one of those once-in-a-year events that certainly deserves its own thread! Check out senocular’s excellent XML and Flash tutorial: http://www.kirupa.com/web/xml/index.htm


wow sen!!! this will keep me busy.

as always awesome job!


nice work.

:stunned: That is awesome!!!

Sen, that’s sweet ! :love:

Se-no-cu-lar he’s our man, if he can’t do it, NOBODY CAN! :thumb: :stuck_out_tongue:

Sen you are out of your mind.

And a credit to the human race!

Ohh yes, its finally online :slight_smile: There were some errors I think with the pre-xml tutorial but anyways, its fun reading.

:blush: don’t worry, I’m sure there will be some errors in this one too, just like all the other big ones. It might take some time to work out the bugs. Its still fairly informative I think :pleased:

Wow sen, impressive :smiley:

You’re like some kind of tutorial-writing as-toting robot! :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s unhuman of you sen…hmmmmm.

omg ur crazy sen :stuck_out_tongue:

lolz, great work :thumb:

Great job sen! :book: [SIZE=1](reading the tutorial)[/SIZE]

Excellent! I posted a bug (i think) in the comments of the tut news on your own site sen.

Oh my… :stunned: j00 r0XX0rZ :love:

Been looking (like so many others) for an in-depth explanation of xml & flash.
Good looking out Sen! :thumb: Very much appreciated!:beer:

GOogly MOogly!

Is this copyrighted? Cause I can just write a book ripping about XML this tutorial off :stuck_out_tongue: Just kidding =)

Whoo boy, I was looking for some good bed time reading.

And this AIN’T IT!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the tutorial Sen! :thumb:


i was looking for more XML goodness… :smiley: great… MAN… I can’t thank you enought!!!

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss :love:

That Sen… he’s so dreamy… :love: