im trying to stream a 6.5 meg audio file (at 24kbps) into a flash movie. after about 15 minutes the whole player gets really slow, in a browser everything gets unstable and if i try close the window i get a “not responding” thingy. do u think this is the streams fault? its just an swf i load in with a really long timeline and the sound set to stream - should i rather use the AS attachSound method?
If u break the file into several smaller files (no more then 500kb each) and load them one after the other, it should play smoothly, because the next on will be loading when the first one is playing.
Also, it will reduce the chances of making your computer grind to a stop
but 2-3 megs would still be slow on a dail up connection.
when testing the movie, go to debug>simulate download, to see the time it takes on differant connections
thanks Majeye will try that out cant make the file size smaller, its already mono, 24kbps, the client wants it to be 20 minutes so i have to stick with that…