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WOHOO! Too bad I still am unable to connect to macromedia to download the trial, and my copy of MX has not shipped yet
<insert scream>
grrrr… all the f@#$rs who must be downloading right now are keeping the masters from their golden prize… I’m starting to get pissed waiting…
Great… now the f#$ing download and purchace area is busted.
see, I’ve got DSL, that means that all you narrow bandwidth muthas should just get out of my way so I can download it quickly and be done with the whole thing.
hey upuaut icq or email me
or 103257556 and when asking for auth make sure you put your name in there… i do not auth anyone unless i know who they are.
I got it. Took a while, but I finaly got in. I’m looking through flash now.
I don’t use ICQ…
nm then =]