A Boat! A Boat!

‘Fear me’


heh, like the ‘fear me’


“Oil spill”

“Old Rusty”


i’m seriously considering the Flef

does that have a secret meaning i should know about?

Okay Golgi,
You got the boat. So you set up te east coast get together :slight_smile:

call it simply:

<b>fosse d’argent</b>



What?! Not big enough?! Are you kidding?! That boat is awesome! B-I…N-G-O! B-I…N-G-O… something something NAMO! :beam:

Call it “La Reine Rouge” (The Red Queen)

“Mr Twixel”

gotta name something that one day

congrats on the boat! I know how much you wanted one. :wink: