I’m making a game and have en****erd a problem. I searched on the web but I didnt find nothing that could help me, so im asking for help here. (If you found somthing just send me a link and I will be very happy :D)
So the thing is, I have a character, that is supposed to move to safe spots by clicking. The moving of the character works ok, and I made a course of some sort (a big movie clip with holes erased out of it which are supposed to represent the safe spots) the course is moving slowly down and the player has to click on safe spots to move the character to it. The problem is, that I dont know what I have to do to make those safe spots not be a part of the cours, since when the character comes in to touch with the square that is the course movie clip the collision is activated no matter if the character is in the erased safe zone or not, and i want it to stop if the character is in the erased zone. Oh and if the character leaves the squaree that is the movie clip of the course the collision stops, so the collision function is working ok i guess.
If I should post the script just ask please.
Thank you!