Hello everyone.
I’m working on a flash site that’s divided in one main swf with the menu and some child swfs with content (and “grandchild” swfs in some of those). I have two problems in which I have been working all day without making any progress, and I would really apreciate if someone could help me.
The first issue is that the whole thing works when tested in my pc, but the uploaded version doesn’t. For some reason the uploaded version’s links don’t work even if the local version does (for example, if a button when clicked is supposed to go to frame 2, in the uploaded version it goes to anoher one).
The second issue is with the preloaders. I have two types: one i made myself that doesn’t work as expected and another one i’m using from a senocular.com tutorial (the one with loadMovie). The last one works very well in some parts of the site and don’t work at all in others.
Here is the site:
www.historiadelteatroenvalparaiso.com it’s in spanish, but i guess you can click around: the errors are pretty obvious (the senocular preloader is in the “compañias” section, in “fichas técnicas” in the top right corner, click any button in there to trigger the preloader).
I’d like to upload a couple of .fla for you to see, but i’m not sure how or where (suggestions?)
I’d really appreciate any help, it’s getting very frustrating. And sorry for my english, but i’m trying.