Hope I don’t confuse anybody with my questions, I’ll try to be as brief and accurate as possible.
What I need is that when the viewer clicks a button a new SWF will load ON TOP OF EVERYTHING (all the other swf’s on the stage).
Then on that SWF that just opened I simply have a FLV Movie and a Button to close this swf and go back to the “main” swf.
In here what I need is the FLV Movie to be the size of the stage/browser, for this I used movie.scaleX = stage.stageWidth; and movie.width = stage.stageWidth; and none of these work. What am I doing wrong? Is it even possible?
And the final thing still on this opened swf is how to have the close button remove the entire SWF so that the viewer goes back to main. In AS2 this.unloadMovie(); would’ve been sufficient, but now it requires removeChildAt and I can’t seem to have it remove everything - movie and button. Is there a simple Unload or something?
Ok so, summarizing, my questions are:
- How to open an external swf on a button click that opens ON TOP OF EVERY OTHER SWF?
- Can I - and if so How - scale a movie to fit the entire stage/browser, at least the width of course.
- How do I have a button remove/unload the swf he’s in - and by removing/unloading the swf have everything else on that swf removed/unloaded.
As for the resize/scale of the movie and such I do have my publish settings set to 100%x100% and No Scale. So all I need now is that the movie fills up those 100%.
Hope anyone can help!
Thanks in advance,