Today, at around 18:00 o’clock Sir PhoeniX contacted me over phone. At first he couldn’t hear me but I assumed it was something very important and urgent so I called him on Skype. I was literally freaked with how shaken up he sounded and I couldn’t say a word.
He told me to forward you these exact words :
“Bro, my mother had a very serious road accident, this saturday. Her condition is very critical even right now. Tell everyone at 1am, I beg of them in this dark hour to pray for my mother to get well. Post this exact message on the site so that they know that with all humility I beg of them to pray as much as possible. Tell them these exact words. Tell them I love them all. Show them all of these words. All shee needs now is all their wishes.”
Thereby I invite you to send a prayer for his mother because all he has left now is the hope that she will get better.
He has complete fate in all of you.
Om Shanti Shanti !
- Pero