A few problems that i really need help with!


I am working on a small project and the following things are driving me insane!

  • The “GET CODE” hover state goes blurry. I have done all the things suggested to fix it, i.e. x and y on whole integers, embed font, set to antialias…

  • When I use gotoAndPlay(“frame_label”); this does not work, but when i use gotoAndPlay(20) it works???

[COLOR=red]When put on the web the image now displays[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]- Lastly, I am trying to place a jpeg in the movie, but every time I place this specific image in the movie the movie stops a frame before it appears. I know it has nothing to do with loading because I tested with other images and file formats and they worked???[/COLOR]

[COLOR=black]Have you folks ever seen or heard of an SWF behaving differently in Flash (CS3) to online embedded in HTML?[/COLOR]

If anyone can help I would be so greatful.

p.s. I accidentally posted this in the previous thread about fonts! Sorry, I couldn’t find a delete function.