A few special effects questions

How do you make something flash? Like, instead of:




eww, that’s an yucky explanation, but… uh… like a movie clip to flash a lil as it plays, how do I do that?

Another thing, is there any techniques as how you would manuver your camera? Or, make it instead of just a movie, make it look like you’re actually zooming further into a location (so pretty much 3D)?

  1. I didn’t understand a thing… :stuck_out_tongue:

  2. http://www.ultrashock.com/tutorials/flash5/camera_tutorial.html

JEEEEEEEEEEEZ!!! ALL THAT FOR A CAMERA? I haven’t taken the time to read it yet, lol, but thanks, I will once I get time.

Yup, all that for a camera… it’s quite informative. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think I’m gonna die from just scanning through it…

Flash isn’t made for 3d, so it takes a lot of work to simulate it. There are programs like Swift 3d that you can use to generate 3d flash animations, and then import them into flash to control them.
