If anyone has any ideas, please help. Also, I am working to code the login for it with flash as well, so if you can help that’s great thanks!
Hi Cheesepoof, I’m not familiar with PHP or mySQL myself but I have seen that they use “LoadVars” for every one (at least PHP related). Also you should note that though flash Decompilers are illegal, they are out there and available. So a flash movie is a fairly vulnerable place to put a password protected section.
If it is to something relatively unimportant and you don’t want every visitor to know then flash will do the job. But if it involves money or if it would put you in a bad situation if it got out; then I would chose an alternate method for password protection.
One way to do it is found here. www.gotoandlearn.com
check out the php, mysql and flash tutorial. That’s easier than one of us writing a couple pages explaining it:P