A form calculating the price from the required fields, plus optional fields

For now, I have set up all the input of the form to enter a value to calculate the price, now a change is needed, there are fields that are not required to calculate the price from the required fields, and now how to do it, if I do not enter anything in In the optional fields, I will only calculate the price from the required ones, and if I enter additional values in the optional fields, it will add value to the price.

Thanks for your help and tips.


    <main class="calc">
      <h2 class="calc__title">Kalkulator druku na szkle</h2>
        <form class="calc__form">
          <fieldset class="calc__form-row">
            <legend class="calc__form-title required">Wymiary szkła w (cm)</legend>
            <input class="calc__form-input calc__form-input--1 validation-js" type="number" min="1" id="glass_x" placeholder="szerokość (cm)">
            <span class="calc__form-x">x</span>
            <input class="calc__form-input calc__form-input--2 validation-js" type="number" min="1" id="glass_y" placeholder="wysokość (cm)">
          <div data-error></div>
          <fieldset class="calc__form-row">
            <label class="calc__form-label required" for="glass_type">Rodzaj szkła</label>
            <div class="calc__form-wrap">
              <select id="glass_type" class="calc__form-select validation-js">
                <option class="calc__form-option calc__form-option--choose" value="" hidden>wybierz</option>
                <option class="calc__form-option" value="4mm-sh">4 mm szklo hartowane</option>
                <option class="calc__form-option" value="4mm-ow">4 mm opti white</option>
                <option class="calc__form-option" value="6mm-sh">6 mm szklo hartowane</option>
                <option class="calc__form-option" value="6mm-ow">6 mm opti white</option>
          <div data-error></div>
          <fieldset class="calc__form-row">
            <label class="calc__form-label required" for="print_type">Rodzaj druku</label>
            <div class="calc__form-wrap">
              <select id="print_type" class="calc__form-select validation-js">
                <option class="calc__form-option calc__form-option--choose" value="" hidden>wybierz</option>
                <option class="calc__form-option" value="cmyk">Tradycyjny</option>
                <option class="calc__form-option" value="cmyk_w">Z kolorem białym</option>
                <option class="calc__form-option" value="cmyk_2x">Do podświetleń</option>
          <div data-error></div>
          <fieldset class="calc__form-row">
            <legend class="calc__form-title">Otwory montażowe</legend>
            <input class="calc__form-input calc__form-input--3 validation-js" type="number" min="0" id="hole_count" placeholder="wpisać ilość">
            <input class="calc__form-input calc__form-input--4 validation-js" type="number" min="0" id="hole_size" placeholder="średnica mm">
          <div data-error></div>
          <fieldset class="calc__form-row">
            <label class="calc__form-label" for="hole_socket">Otwory na gniazda <span class="calc__form-label--color">(Ø 68 mm)</span></label>
            <input class="calc__form-input calc__form-input--5" type="number" min="0" id="hole_socket" placeholder="wpisać ilość">
          <div data-error></div>
          <fieldset class="calc__form-row">
            <input class="calc__form-input calc__form-input--6 validation-js" type="checkbox" id="glass_edge_grinding"> Szlif krawędzi
          <div data-error></div>
          <div class="calc__form-price"><span class="calc__form-price--total"></span></div>
          <div class="calc__form-buttons">
            <button class="calc__form-btn calc__form-btn--1">Zamawiam</button>
            <button class="calc__form-btn calc__form-btn--2">Mam pytania</button>
        <div class="contact">
          <form class="contact-form">
            <div class="contact-form__row">
              <label class="contact-form__label required" for="">Adres email</label>
              <input class="contact-form__input" type="text" placeholder="Wprowadź adres">
            <div class="contact-form__row">
              <label class="contact-form__label" for="">Telefon</label>
              <input class="contact-form__input" type="text" placeholder="Wprowadź numer">
            <button class="contact-form__btn">Wyślij</button>

    let price = 0;
    const $price = document.querySelector('.calc__form-price--total ');
    $price.innerHTML= price + " zł";
    const prices = {
      glass_type : {
        "none" : 0,
        "4mm-sh" : 95,
        "4mm-ow" : 145,
        "6mm-sh" : 135,
        "6mm-ow" : 205
      print_type : {
        "none" : 0,
        "cmyk" : 40,
        "cmyk_w" : 60,
        "cmyk_2x" : 80
      hole_size : {
        "6-10" : 9,
        "11-30" : 18,
        "31-50" : 21
      hole_socket : 36,
      glass_edge_grinding : 12
    // stan formularza
    const state = {
      glass_x : 0,
      glass_y : 0,
      glass_type : false,
      print_type : false,
      hole_count : 0,
      hole_size : 0,
      hole_socket : 0,
      glass_edge_grinding : false
    // wyliczam sume
    function sum() {
      const valid = Array.from(inputs).filter(node => node.value.trim());
      if (valid.length === inputs.length) {
        // let glassPrice = prices.glass_type[state.glass_type];
        // let printPrice = prices.print_type[state.print_type];
        let glassPrice = prices.glass_type[state.glass_type] ? prices.glass_type[state.glass_type] : prices.glass_type["none"];
        let printPrice = prices.print_type[state.print_type] ? prices.print_type[state.print_type] : prices.print_type["none"];
        let sum_part1 = ((state.glass_x * state.glass_y / 1000) * (glassPrice + printPrice))
        let holeSizePrice = 0;
        if (state.hole_size < 11)
          holeSizePrice = prices.hole_size["6-10"];
        if (state.hole_size >= 11 && state.hole_size <= 30)
          holeSizePrice = prices.hole_size["11-30"];
        if (state.hole_size > 31)
          holeSizePrice = prices.hole_size["31-50"];
        let sum_part2 = state.hole_count * holeSizePrice;
        let sum_part3 = state.hole_socket * prices.hole_socket;
        const glassEdgeGrinding = state.glass_edge_grinding ? prices.glass_edge_grinding : 0;
        let sum_part4 = 2 * (state.glass_x + state.glass_y / 100) * glassEdgeGrinding;
        const sum = sum_part1 + sum_part2 + sum_part3 + sum_part4;
        $price.innerHTML = sum.toFixed(2) + " zł";
    const form = document.querySelector("form");
    const inputs = document.querySelectorAll('.validation-js');
    inputs.forEach(el => {
      if (el.tagName === "SELECT") {
        el.addEventListener("change", e => {
          state[el.id] = el.value;
      if (el.tagName === "INPUT" && ["number"].includes(el.type)) {
        el.addEventListener("input", e => {
          state[el.id] = +el.value || 0;
      if (el.tagName === "INPUT" && ["checkbox"].includes(el.type)) {
        el.addEventListener("change", e => {
          state[el.id] = el.checked;

Codepen: https://codepen.io/mary_pieroszkiewicz/full/BaQrWrX

Hi Mary - can you clarify what you are trying to do? It seems like you have both required fields and optional fields. Entering data in any of these fields should update a total value. Is your question on how to make that work?