Hi there,
I recently have been using roundcube webmail, to write and read emails. But since i have updated to php 5, every email i send, does acctually send, but it also sends it back to me aswell. I would really love to use roundcube webmail, but i have tried for hours to fix this problem. I have uninstalled it, installed it on different domains, and yet it still has this problem when i send emails. If anyone is willing to help me with this problem, please could you go here…
But on the other hand, if i cant get roundcube webmail to stop this problem, i will need a new webmail client. I have used horde and squrrilmail, and i dont like them at all.
Does anyone know of any free webmail clients that run with cpanel, php and mysql?
If so, please post back here and i will install them on my domain to see if they work better than roundcube webmail.