A good php calendar?

Hi, I’m just wondering if you guys know off the top of your heads a good php calendar. I’d prefer it if it was MySQL based… I’ve been looking around PHP resource index, but those listed… eh.


the first one.

I wasnt able to see the link, for some reason. I ended up using WebCalendar - it’s the first one you see if you go to the calendars section over at PHP resource index. The installation sucks though… I had a lot of problems with it, because the SQL blocks to set up the tables in the database weren’t written correctly… I was lazy, and I asked this question in case anyone had used a PHP calendar that DIDN’T give a problem. In the end, I had to go in and fix the SQL errors…

I’m still finding some bugs on it… it’s kinda annoying…

lol if anyone say my last post in here, sorry
i didnt think i was in this thread
tee hee

what was that?

check at www.hotscripts.com under the php section and i’m sure you find something (-: