A good tutorial site?

Hey guys, I’m looking to find a flash tutorial site that’s all based around special effects. More to the point, I want to figure out how to do the line animations at the beginning of www.2advanced.com

I don’t know if you guys get what I’m asking, but there it goes.

i can’t name a specific site, but i can tell you how they did it:

masks, masks, and more masks.

I saw the source from the intro from their site before the current one and they had so many layers of masks.

Draw your line thing then do a convert lines to fills (optional). then just animate a mask.

They also used (i’m pretty sure) swift3D as well, since they have a link to it on their site.

I was totally hoping you wouldnt say that…

what a freaking pain in the *** that’s going to be…

i know…would you have wanted to do it in code? :stuck_out_tongue:

if you look closely at the animation of their current intro, those lines don’t move (except for the last part which is simple motion tweening), so all you really need to do is move the mask.

you have to realize they’re good at what they do and they don’t have one person doing everything.

If you want to make an omelette you’re gonna have to break a few eggs. (you know where that’s from)

yeah. The thing that I’m not sure about is making the masks follow the line… I kinda tried that just now, but flash gets confused when you try to animate more than one object on the same layer.

here, i made a mock-up for you:


And i included the source.

2Advanced Sucks :stuck_out_tongue:

whoa… that’s sweet

hey Raf … check out http://www.ultrashock.com

in the tutorials/MX section there are the first two parts of a series on time based scripted animation … very neat stuff