A Good Week

The last 7/8 days have been really good for me. Here’s why:

[]I might have landed a design job that’ll bring me about £200 plus like £50 per update. I’m still waiting to see if the company is definitely going for it but it’s looking likely.
]My provisional driving licence finally arrived so I’ll be out learning soon. Woo! I can’t wait!
[]I got me a part time job as a barman in the local golf club. It pays nicely and the work is really good. Plus you get great tips!
]I finally came up with an idea for how to display the content on my flash site, so expect to see it up for critique in the next 4-5 weeks.
[]My brother got Guitar Pro 4 off his friend and it’s so cool. I’ve been trying to tab all my bands songs but I’m also using it to write new ones and try out bass lines and drum beats. It great fun.
]I got a great new hair cut. Before my hair was down to my shoulders and, although it looked pretty darn cool, it was really annoying cos it was always getting in my eyes and stuff. Now it’s about 1 inch long and everyone keeps telling me how much nicer it looks, so that rocks.
[/list] So that’s how my week has been. Has anyone else been having a good week?