A Kirupian is on Kickstarter!

Hey guys,
Just a little post trying to raise awareness of my project that’s now on Kickstarter.
Shameless self-promo I know, but being a member on here with you guys for quite some time, I was thinking some of you would find it in the kindnness of your hearts to help me out.

Basically, thanks to you guys, when I was just a wee ickle kid, I started creating Flash games. Over the years, I’ve been guided by some of the best on here and thanks to the knowledge bestowed upon me thanks to these very forums we post on, I made the jump to Unity and now run my own Video-Game company.

You don’t have to look, but it’ll help me so much if you could share the project to anyone who might be interested.

Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kitatusstudios/distro-horizons-3d-collectathon-project

Cheers guys <3