I decided to start over learning CSS and HTML from the beginning. There are a few things I am confused about. Would anyone care to elaborate?
As I see it from what I’m doing the order in which you put stuff in determines the order in appears on the page. What I’m confused about are things that appear side by side, such as navigation or sidebars.
Could anyone give me a brief explanation on how to arrange these types of things in CSS? or if its HTML?
also another quick question. the tutorial i was reading used this
<meta http-equiv=“Content-Type” content=“text/html; charset=UTF-8” />and said that it was a meta tag, and that it is basically useless. but i’m curious as to what it does. anyone know?
Meta tags are used to give information about the html page. Things like the author, page description, when the content is no longer up-to-date, keywords and stuff like that.
This specific meta-tag is basically telling the browser it needs Unicode to display the text. You use this when you want to display Asian and Arabic type languages and also special characters. You can choose other types of encoding, some specifically targeting single languages, but Unicode is better to use, as it allows different languages to mix together on the page. It’s definitely not useless
also, i’m trying to give my header a gradient that will scale to the browser size. i figure i would have to make an image of a gradient and have it repeat. is it possible to put a picture behind a picture?
also, i’m trying to give my header a gradient that will scale to the browser size. i figure i would have to make an image of a gradient and have it repeat. is it possible to put a picture behind a picture?[/quote]
You can make an image with the gradient and use it as a background image. Check out the background-image and background-repeat CSS rules. Just apply the rule to the BODY or to the DIV that your header is in. Your images in the DIV will then be over the bg image. You might have to use a transparent png if the image on top is a round logo or something similar.
I always find it handy to use the Firefox plugin: “Firebug”. This lets you easily look at how other sites have done things. You should check that out … it’s pretty cool and useful.
There is a GREAT book called CSS Cookbook, it has a picture of a bear or something on it. It’d be a great start for you, if you are looking how to do image rollovers in CSS, you can find it easy. It has “recipes” for hundreds of CSS things.
and else fails do a free website for someone you know with tight deadlines so you can learn while you try
also if it is a friend you won’t be too afraid to try something new
that reminds me I am due for a website of such a nature
I need a challenge and a rich friend(sad clown face)